Behind the Desk | Meet Brian
by Nancy Bruce, Engagement Assistant
“I’m passionate about making a difference, little differences. I’m not going to make big changes in people’s lives, but maybe just that little interaction can make a positive impact”.
With his warm, open smile and delight in listening to another’s story, 35-year-old Brian Croke is a welcome volunteer presence in the Senior Services administration department. Since he started serving in mid-January this year, he has been valuable in helping Susan Lewis, the Senior Services Connections and Arts Coordinator: keep track of volunteer hours, receive feedback from volunteers, and manage the relationships between volunteers and participants in the Call Connections program, which matches volunteers with older adults who have difficulty leaving home and wish to have regular phone calls from a Senior Services volunteer friend.
Brian recently moved from Austin, TX to Winston-Salem, looking for a more “low-key” lifestyle and to become more involved in the community. He soon learned about the new Intergenerational Center for Arts and Wellness (Generations Center) and thought Senior Services would be a good fit for him to volunteer while he looks for paid employment as an analyst. Croke is also an artist who is certain he will be drawing, “until I’m dead”! As a complement to his interest in art, he also volunteers at The Art SHAC (Second Hand Art Collective) in Winston-Salem.
Outside of his close connection with his grandmother, Brian’s contact with older adults had been limited, but whenever he’s had the opportunity he found that he enjoyed talking with them and always appreciated their wisdom, humor, and enthusiasm! His advice to anyone is to listen. “One thing I noticed when dealing with older adults is their excitement when somebody actually talks with them. It’s important to listen and talk with them, not just talk at them, or down to them. I think that’s what a lot of younger people tend to do. Just let them talk! I love telling stories, I love hearing stories, and I like drawing. I like making things easier for people; that’s what I like to do.”
When asked how his work at Senior Services could impact his career path for the future, he responded, “This experience gives me a sense of direction, which is centered around making meaningful connections and positively influencing people’s lives, whether in significant or subtle ways. I thrive in a collaborative environment and am passionate about being part of a team.”
Brian, you do that well!