All Roads Lead Home

Sometimes it Takes a Little Help to get on the Path

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Meet Latangle Lewis! Two years ago she suffered a devastating fall that left her with two fractured ankles and a long road to recovery.  She had to stay in a skilled nursing facility receiving round the clock care during her recovery, but has always hoped to find a way to return home.   Thanks to a special “Money Follows the Person” project that Senior Services is helping to administer, Latangle can do just that!

“Money Follows the Person” (MFP) is a demonstration project that assists Medicaid-eligible North Carolinians who live in inpatient facilities to move into their own homes and communities with the supports necessary to help them live successfully. MFP participants receive personal supports and other services through Medicaid’s Community Alternatives Program (CAP) or PACE Program, and receive assistance in securing these items and services needed to transition home.

Thanks to Senior Services participation with the MFP program, we were able to connect with Latangle and offer assistance to get her from the facility to a two-bedroom apartment.  While she will miss the friends she made and the staff who helped her through rehab and recovery, she is now looking forward to living independently once more and thankful to Senior Services for helping her find her new home.

Find out more about the Money Follows the Person Demonstration Project by calling 855-761-9030 or visiting the MFP website.

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